Zminj Vacation Rentals

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Vacation rentals in Zminj
1 Unit 5 Max 15003 views
Apartments M&M is located in Zminj, accommodation prices starts from 55€/day.
Price from55€Unit/Day DETAILS

Facts about Zminj

Žminj is a small town located in the center of the Istrian peninsula.

Nature of Žminj is really wonderful, numerous fields and gardens, forests, pastures, and roads that coming out of town on all sides and like an spider net connecting 103 villages which can be visited with a pleasant walk or by bicycle.

The center of town is dominated by a large, baroque Parish Church St Mihovil built the 1625th on the foundations of the church from the 12th century.
In Žminj are three churches with fresco paintings, namely church of St. Trinity painted in 1471, the church of St. Cross and church of St. Anthony Abbot from 1381. year
At the entrance to the town is the church of St. Bartholomew where traditionally in the last Saturday in August is held the largest Istrian folk festival - Bartulja

In Žminj, along the road, on the trails and meadows you can see many little stone houses called kažuni
Kažuni are small houses made ​​of stone that once served as a shelter from rain to the farmers and as a tool shed and harvested crops. Today kažuni are only monuments of the past

Surroundings of Zminj is known for many rural facilities that offer authentic Istrian cuisine and traditional atmosphere.
The wider area of Zminj is interesting by increasing the development of agro-tourism and opportunities of development of other various forms of selective tourism such as cultural tourism, religious tourism, scientific tourism and recreational tourism.

In Žminj accommodation for your relaxing and undisturbed holiday can find in old Istrian houses and homesteads converted into accommodation with facilities that offer traditional Istrian cuisine and feel of untouched nature, luxury villas with swimming pool and holiday houses.

Vacation Rentals